Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Here is part 1 of 2 of the bloopers and fun times we had during the making of the video.

Neon Sign Perfected Part II

Here is the neon sign with continuous neon tubing and the same size tubing all around.

The first image still has the spaced out tubing on the inside to simulate wood grain.

The second image has the wood grain removed because I was unable to simulate believable wood grain and have continuous tubing.

Tracking Test 3

Here is my third tracking test that is short but sweet.

Milestone II

Here is my video with multiple takes. I wanted to keep the multiple takes so that I can receive some feedback as too which takes you think are the best and which ones fit better.

Please note that this is not my final video I will be re-shooting some shots in this one and shooting another with the actual script in the very near future to compare the 2.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Perfecting My Neon Sign Cont.

The new one I added is a combination of suggestions I have taken from the class and what I think I want to use as my sign. If you have anymore suggestions please leave them.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Perfecting the Neon Sign

Taking some of the suggestions that you guys have left I have been trying to perfect the design and I wanted to know what you guys think of the following "improved" designs.

Obviously the first has no background and thus makes the neon a little easier to see, but the second has a background which reflects the neon making it a littler brighter.

To be honest the only reason I added the background was to simulate what the light would look like when I would put it on my wall in the video.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another Neon Sign Idea

Here is another design idea for my neon sign please leave some feedback.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

First Neon Sign

Here is my first idea for my neon sign

Better First Test

Here is a better look at my first test.

First Matchmove Test

After trial and error and a lot of technical issues, here is my first matchmove test.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Animatic Final Draft

Here is the final draft of my animatic. Please leave some feedback.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Animatic Draft

Feel free to post any feedback.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Ideas for Neon Signs Part Deux

I have some ideas for the neon sign but I would like to hear what you have to say about them. Please feel free to comment.

The first one is Black Out Beer. It literally Blacks you out when you drink it... Or when the sign falls on you.

The second sign.... kinda obvious... Falling Bats and Balls Hurt... Taken from the Glorious Fenway Park. The object falls and gets stuck in the persons head.
Another idea is Beware of Falling Glass except the glass is like a martini glass.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Milestone 1: Objects modeled and textured.

Milestone 1.5 (11/13/08): Successful match move test, neon test, performance test

Milestone 2: Recordings complete

Milestone 3: Successful match move test, neon test, and performance test of recorded footage

Milestone 4: Renders, breakdowns, and credits

Milestone 5: Composite video complete with renders, breakdowns, and credits

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Neon Sign Ideas

So I think that we can all agree the neon sign is the best choice for the object that is going to fall off the wall. Now I just need some ideas for the neon sign itself. Ezra suggested a beer sign called "Dagger Beer" which would have a dagger in the middle that would fall off the sign. If everyone could post at least 1 idea for the neon sign, that would be awesome.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ideas for Objects

I have been thinking and talking in and out of class about which object will be lodged in the persons forehead besides an axe. If anyone can think of objects that would be in a dorm room that is sharp enough to be lodged in a dorm room, then please feel free to leave a comment.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


1. How long will the piece be and/or what is the physical scope

About 50 seconds in total length. 20 seconds for finished piece including an establishing shot, the action shot and the reaction. 30 seconds for breakdowns and render passes.

2. Final delivery method (web page, prints, video)

The final delivery method will be video along with prints with the weapons.

3. Is it comedy, drama, action, a combination?

It is a combination of action and comedy

4. What will it look like? (e.g. photo-real, exaggerated realism, toon rendered)

It will look photo-realistic

5. (proposed) Title

Axeccidental Mishap

6. What are the elements (e.g. characters, scenes, props)

The elements of my final piece will be the 2 weapons made in Maya, and a real life character.

7. Content? Story, scenario(s), etc.

There are 2 weapons mounted on my wall in my dorm. My friend is sitting right underneath the weapons and talking to someone when 1 of them falls and lands in his forehead. Surprisingly not feeling any pain never mind not dying from the weapon lodged in his head, he franticly runs back and forth asking “do I take it out or leave it in?”

Revised idea for thesis

So my final idea for my thesis is to do a composite video of 2 weapons on a wall in my dorm room and a person sitting right under them. One of the weapons will fall off the wall and land in their forehead or some other part of their body. The person will react the same way as Stewie Griffin in the video posted below. If you guys have any comments or questions or any advice please feel free to leave some.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ideas for Thesis

I hope you all heard my idea on Thursday. Basically I want to do a composite shot for my thesis. My original idea was to get a camcorder and film my room. I would then composite a model I made from Maya onto the recording. Below are some examples other compositors have done. Any questions or comments would be helpful. Thank you.