Saturday, September 13, 2008

Neon Sign Ideas

So I think that we can all agree the neon sign is the best choice for the object that is going to fall off the wall. Now I just need some ideas for the neon sign itself. Ezra suggested a beer sign called "Dagger Beer" which would have a dagger in the middle that would fall off the sign. If everyone could post at least 1 idea for the neon sign, that would be awesome.

1 comment:

KipMcSkipster said...

Andrew, I recommend you play up the idea of impending danger made all the more extreme/ridiculous by how casual the victim is acting prior to the sign impaling him. "Dagger Beer" with a neon dagger with the blade aimed directly at his head, "Caution, Falling Objects" with an arrow (which does the impaling) pointing straight at his head, etc.