Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Here is part 1 of 2 of the bloopers and fun times we had during the making of the video.

Neon Sign Perfected Part II

Here is the neon sign with continuous neon tubing and the same size tubing all around.

The first image still has the spaced out tubing on the inside to simulate wood grain.

The second image has the wood grain removed because I was unable to simulate believable wood grain and have continuous tubing.

Tracking Test 3

Here is my third tracking test that is short but sweet.

Milestone II

Here is my video with multiple takes. I wanted to keep the multiple takes so that I can receive some feedback as too which takes you think are the best and which ones fit better.

Please note that this is not my final video I will be re-shooting some shots in this one and shooting another with the actual script in the very near future to compare the 2.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Perfecting My Neon Sign Cont.

The new one I added is a combination of suggestions I have taken from the class and what I think I want to use as my sign. If you have anymore suggestions please leave them.